Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Awful Library Books"

Thanks to Brian Herzog on Swiss Army Librarian, I've just learned about the neat blog of Mary Kelly and Holly Hibner, Awful Library Books.
This site is a collection of library holdings that we find amusing and maybe questionable for libraries trying to maintain a current and relevant collection. Contained in this site are actual library holdings.

No libraries are specifically mentioned to protect our submitters who might disagree with a particular collection policy. (A good librarian would probably be able to track down the holding libraries without too much trouble anyway…)
Among the features of this blog is a Will Weed for Food page. I encourage you to explore the site and, if you wish, to submit entries.
We would love submissions. Feel free to email us any scans of covers: submit@awfullibrarybooks.net. JPGs preferred, PDFs welcome but least-preferred.
Here's the entry for December 6th: "Ham Shack, Baby." [Extra points for getting the allusion in the post title.]

Setting Up & Using Your Own Ham Shack, on Awful Library Books

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